Spring, Glorious Spring! I'm Back . . . And Things Just Aren't the Same Any More (and that's a good thing!)
I thought what better way to resume my blog than with "A Wonderful World"! (To see and hear Louis Armstrong up close and personal, click here.)
This week finds me heading into three full months of Supercoach Karen Knowler's "Raw Passion" online program, a support and coaching experience that I share with about 10 other "Passionistas." (Check out Karen Knowler's Website and Karen Knowler's Blog).
For my efforts these past months and going forward, I'll "reward" myself in mid-September with a week in Sedona, Arizona where I'll visit a dear friend of mine who I met in Hawaii. We'll hang out together with a bunch of hippies at The Raw Spirit Festival.
I'll be blogging here much more consistently again now -- doing my best to visit every day, even if just to drop a short note or post a recipe, link to a great website, article, song, video ... whatever strikes my fancy. Might even chat about how this transition from SAD to RAW is actually going for me - spiritually, physically, emotionally -- because if there is ONE thing I know beyond any doubt, it's that this transition to eating mainly natural foods has turned into a whole-life experience. In other words, it's affecting me on more levels than just the physical.
I'll sign off now until Monday. My time from now through the next two months will be mainly filled with sorting and packing up my belongings, as I'll soon be moving out of my present digs into a new apartment (once I find it, that is). I'm so glad to be stepping into this brand new time in the Spring, of all seasons!
In closing, one of my best friends, Jami, has just debuted an on-line, call-in "radio" show with her friend of many years, Nancy. (I say "radio" show because they're hoping that soon it'll be picked up by either Serius or XM radio). Nancy is a licensed family/relationship therapist, and Jami brings to the show her years of challenges and triumphs in relationships as a wife, young widow, single mother and having had years in the "dating" world ... and now recently remarried to the boyfriend she had when she was 17! The show offers free advice with "schtick" to anyone who calls in on Friday afternoons. Feel free to call in to them ... you can remain anonymous, of course, if you like! They are taking calls every Friday afternoon from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. at 914-202-8661. Check out a snippet from one of their recent shows, "What Were You Thinking with Nancy & Jami," by clicking on the video below:
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