Thursday, May 15, 2008

I LOVE sun-drenched hay fields!

Lately, my life has been a series of joyful moments. I suppose because that is what I'm choosing to dwell on! In light of that, I thought I'd post this photo, as it reminds me of a really joyful afternoon and some truly exhilarating moments I shared with a friend last summer while biking together in Yorkshire. As we were riding through fields that looked exactly like this, I had the same amazing feeling Julie Andrews portrayed whirling and twirling her way to the crest of that Alpine meadow in the opening scene of "The Sound of Music"!!

I'm too busy lately to blog every day -- but I'll be popping in here and there to post.

Until next time . . . live "juicy"!

"Courage: the power to let go of the familiar." (Raymond Lindquist)