Monday, May 21, 2007

Day 61 (Monday): First day of a new month

Started off well -- with a walk from the train station to my juice shop where I picked up a greens juice (spinach, kale, celery, cucumber and a half of a green apple). Sipped on that all morning and took a walk at lunch time. In the afternoon I had a scone and a mini-croissant, minus the butter. (Not the best move, as both are made with white flour).

It's now 5:00 p.m. and I'm about to have a banana and walk to the train station. I hardly had any water today and am feeling very sluggish and tired. But I think that's from having so much green juice in the last two days. It has that effect 'cause the body is doing heavy-duty housecleaning, and it takes loads of energy to do that ('splaining the tiredness).

I'm leaving the office right on time tonight so I can catch the daylight and get a bike ride in when I get home.

Onward and downward!

Day 60 (Sunday): Two months and counting.

Today for breakfast I had a coupla cups of coffee with half-n-half. On weekend mornings I like to sit and chat with my good friend out on the lanai ... and coffee is enticing, as she makes a fresh pot every day. For the past couple of weekends I've succumbed.

Later in the morning I had a pint of green juice -- cucumber, celery, kale, bok choy, romaine lettuce and a little bit of green apple. I had another pint for lunch. For dinner I had shrimp and fish sushi w/ brown and white rice, and some shrimp steamed dumplings. (A deviation indeed when it comes to the types of cooked food I've been eating.) The white rice and dumpling dough might as well have been white sugar. Good that they were small portions.

I closed out the evening with a snack of unsweetened banana chips and some raisens.

I didn't get my walking in though but did hit the hay early -- 10:30 p.m. -- and will have a great night's sleep.