Day 61 (Monday): First day of a new month
Started off well -- with a walk from the train station to my juice shop where I picked up a greens juice (spinach, kale, celery, cucumber and a half of a green apple). Sipped on that all morning and took a walk at lunch time. In the afternoon I had a scone and a mini-croissant, minus the butter. (Not the best move, as both are made with white flour).
It's now 5:00 p.m. and I'm about to have a banana and walk to the train station. I hardly had any water today and am feeling very sluggish and tired. But I think that's from having so much green juice in the last two days. It has that effect 'cause the body is doing heavy-duty housecleaning, and it takes loads of energy to do that ('splaining the tiredness).
I'm leaving the office right on time tonight so I can catch the daylight and get a bike ride in when I get home.
Onward and downward!