Friday, January 2, 2009

Ahh ... January 1st, the Totally Useless "Resolution" Day!

So ... has this first day of 2009 been a useless resolution day for you? For me there have been too many years of those. No, today was simply a decision day. Just a simple decision made that will remain private for now. It has to do with a revolution of sorts ... I wanted to change the banner of my blog to "RAWvolution" but was informed it would violate Matt Amsden's exclusive right to use the term, so I'll keep this one as "Rawsome Life" and begin another little blog called "Revolution in the Raw" to use as a more personal diary.

So ... the time-lapse nature video I posted here begs the question: Where will each of us be in exactly one year?

Who will we be? What will we have achieved? Who will we have become? Who will we have loved deeply in the next 365 days -- if by the grace of God we have those days!?

Will we be holy? -- thus, kinder and willing to love, to "stretch ourselves for the other"? Or will our egos rule, making us dismissive, judgmental and cruel?

Will we be courageous and dare to openly communicate and risk intimacy with those who love us? Or will we "murder" people with our dark thoughts of them instead -- too cowardly to speak our own truth passionately when we are feeling upset? Will we be brave enough to have learned that working stuff through with others brings people closer; not doing so creates separation. (But then maybe that really is the goal of those who shut down so easily . . . closeness being the last thing they desire. For ego craves separateness while our true selves long for union. It's enough to make we humans quite mad at times!)

Will we love ourselves deeply . . . finally. Or will we allow our souls to be crushed by someone's harsh, skewed view of us? . . . even someone who we know cannot love us the way we want or need?

Will we be all we know we can be? Or will we settle for a lethargy of heart that gives up on the vision God continually cultivates within us?

A year from now we can all answer more clearly some of these kinds of questions, eh? These particular ones are just some that relate to my life, personally, right now.

And so for now, I'll live in this moment.

And this one.

And then this one. There, see how easy that is?!

Beginning tomorrow I'll be starting to take full advantage of Phil McCluskey as a mentor via his website. I've personally met and spoken to Phil a couple of times here in NYC. He is on the same path as I am on . . . only a bit further along -- thus a great one to emulate and follow.

Thanks, Phil, for the gift that is your life. And for your wonderful website, LovingRaw.Com.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to anyone who may have stumbled on this rather lonely blog of mine! May blessings abound and your personal growth astound your soul! Hopefully, I'll be writing frequently in this year ahead.