Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day 84 (Wednesday): Some Food Prep Videos from Ani Phyo

Food choices today were truly weird ... a banana for breakfast, a bag of chips and four peanut-butter cookies for lunch and a cup of frozen yogurt in the afternoon! Sooo strange. Have NO idea what went "tilt" today, but no matter. For dinner I'll have a nice green juice (cucumber, bok choy, celery and apple) and some zucchini "pasta" with fresh raw maranara sauce.

These are some of the recipes I'm going to make this weekend ... I like the idea of wraps made with all kinds of great food -- like kale leaves, nori seaweed, romaine lettuce, bok choy, etc.

  • Ani Phyo - Mediterranean Dolmas

  • Ani Phyo - Creamy Curry Dressing

  • Ani Phyo - Ginger Almond Nori Rolls

  • Ani Phyo - Creamy Avocado Soup

  • Off for the train.