Day 37 (Friday): Love Thyself ... no matter what!
Well, I can see why a 40-day fast is so significant. If one can make it 40 days doing ANYTHING consistentely "right" it's quite the accomplishment. Well, I didn't. As this log is about being honest with myself (and accountable and committed), I have to write a little about yesterday afternoon.
I don't know if it was the colonic (stirring up and releasing toxins and thus kicking in an extreme craving for white flour and sugar), if it was because I had a good deal of cooked food the night before, or if it was just a weak moment due to not having eaten very much earlier in the day, but yesterday afternoon at work I went to the cafeteria about 2:30 p.m., and proceeded to have the following:
a large portion of pasta salad,
one large chocolate chip cookie,
two small butter cookies,
an apricot croissant, and
a cup of coffee (very strong) :-(
I felt like a woman possessed (as they say)!
It's all I'll say about my "deviant" behavior. I'm back on track today, and since I'm living in the NOW, being back on track is the best place I could possibly be, eh?
Today, I had some strawberries and an orange and banana for breakfast; for lunch I had a simple romaine lettuce salad w/ tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms and slightly steamed cauliflower and a side of a 3-grain dish w/ roasted veggies mixed in. I'm about to head out of the office for the weekend and plan to have my favorite zuccini/summer squash "pasta" w/ marinara sauce for dinner.
Tomorrow I have a wedding to attend and it'll be interesting to see what my body feels like it wants to eat while there. I decided at the outset of this to approach all special occasions as just that (such as Easter) and enjoy small portions of whatever my body feels it would like to eat. If this becomes drudgery or burdensome, it wouldn't be worth it. The trick is to keep "special occasions" limited ... so they stay "special" ... and stay honest with myself about what I choose.
When I'm feeling as though the food available to me is limited, I'll take a peak at this list of "All Raw Foods" (which I just found on Karen Knowler's website) and have a chuckle. How could one ever feel deprived?
1. Fresh fruits
2. Vegetables
3. Salad vegetables
4. Leafy green vegetables
5. Herbs
6. Wild greens
7. Nuts
8. Dried fruits
9. Beans, pulses and legumes (sprouted)
10. Grains (sprouted)
11. Seeds
12. Sprouting seeds
13. Indoor greens
14. Vegetable seeds (brocolli, mustard, cress etc.)
15. Edible flowers
16. Mushrooms
17. Sea vegetables
18. Algaes
19. Oils
20. Stimulants (onion, garlic, cayenne pepper etc.)
21. Spices
22. Flavourings and sweeteners (cacao, agave nectar, mesquite meal etc.)
23. Superfoods
24. Other handy additions (nut butters, seed butters, flax crackers etc.)
Here's to an active and "light" weekend!